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Community Involvement
ADU 01119: How Can I See the Battery Voltage for My Mavic Air on the Main Screen? Why is the Feed Bad on My Crystalsky?
ADU 0412: Now that I've passed the Part 107 Drone Certification test, what are my options? What should I do next?
ADU 0441: What are some ways I can market that I have my 107 license? Can I use the FAA logo on my site?
ADU 0533: Can a non-licensed pilot fly with a Part 107 Drone licensed pilot and still sell the video footage?
ADU 0542: What strategies do you use when flying and filming in public to ensure your safety (and those around you)?
ADU 0560: I was flying my drone and a neighbor came out and pointed a gun at me. What should I do about it?
ADU 0584: How should I handle flying near local airports that are Class G airspace? What do I need to know and do?
ADU 0629: Can I fly my drone under Class B airspace? Can I fly if my Mavic doesn’t have a Mode C transponder?
ADU 0780: How Will the Passage of the “Tort Law Relating to Drones Act” Affect Commercial Drone Business?
ADU 0821: How to Determine Military Operating Areas and Restricted Airspace by Reading Sectional Charts
ADU 0952: Can I Fly Under the Same Part 107 Daylight Waiver If I Start Working at a Different Company?
ADU 0977: What Happens After You Pass Your Part 107 Recurrent Test? Should I Even Bother Taking the Test?
BONUS: Drone Life News 012 - FCC Places Greater Restrictions on DJI, New Macbook Pro, Heavy-Lift Drones
BONUS: Drone News - Drone Almost Crashes into the Blue Angels, More Trouble for DJI, Drone Show in Rotterdam, Drones for Disinfecting Sports Stadiums
BONUS: Drone News - Flight over People, Night Ops, New Drone Laws in Canada and UK, Indemnis Parachute, Search & Rescue and More by Ask Drone U
BONUS: Drone News - The All-New Anafi USA, Skydio 2 Updates, Near Drone Crash with Helicopter, Drone Deliveries
BONUS: Drone News This Week - Mavic Thermal, BVLOS Waiver, Loc8 Search and Rescue Software, Xiaomi's Fimi X8 SE with Drone DJ
Little Known Facts About Part 107’s “Visual Line of Sight (VLOS)" Rule That You Might Not Be Aware Of

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Do’s & Don’ts
Community Involvement