Filters for Video & Photography
In our latest Drone U Hack video, Vic shares some Tips and Tricks for using filters the right way. When it comes to filters, there are a multitude of options to choose from. And, in order to get the best possible drone footage, it is imperative that you choose the right filter - and the correct camera settings. In this one course video, Vic shows you how to do just that. Tune in and help us HELP YOU grow your business.

Night Photography Using a Drone
Wondering how you can get those AWESOME night shots with your drone? In this one video class, we have our resident "fly by night" pro, Vic Moss, showing you the nuances of night photography. Camera settings, weather requirements and editing tricks taught by Vic will be of great help to you. Instead of being daunted by the prospect of shooting at night, we urge you to watch this and learn from the very best in the industry.

Photography Hacks
We are thankful to have one of the top drone photographers around. He sits down in this series of videos to go through his personal "hacks" as it relates to several key areas of drone photography. Whether it be aerial, editing, lighting, or Histograms, you're sure to learn a lot from a pilot like Vic.

This is our new, updated Don't Crash Course specifically tailored to the nuances of the DJI Mavic drone. If you own or are about to buy this great drone then you should be sure and watch this before you fly so you don't crash. It's a costly mistake you'll only make once.

Still Photography
Vic Moss is one of the top drone photographers out there, and is gracious enough to train for us. Learn from the best how to capture the best photos using your drone.

Photo Editing
Getting good photos is only half the battle in creating amazing pictures. You can make an average photo look amazing IF you know how to edit like a pro. So we asked the pro, Vic Moss, to show you all he knows.